Tuesday, May 03, 2011

8759: The Growing National Doubt.

At the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Saturday Night Live Head Writer Seth Meyers joked about the release of President Obama’s birth certificate, noting how people have become overly suspicious about anything they have not directly seen. In other words, skeptics demanded to view the document before believing the truth—and many still want to take a closer look to verify matters. Yet barely a week later, it appears that President Obama is in a similar scenario, with folks now insisting to peek at photographs to prove Osama Bin Laden was assassinated. In this age of Photoshop® manipulation, why would anyone trust a hard copy anyway? The Doubting Thomases could touch the alleged bullet holes in the late terrorist’s head and chest and continue to question reality. Can’t help but wonder how Madison Avenue has influenced our culture of skepticism.

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