Sunday, June 05, 2011

8859: Pharma Ads Are Sick.

This Concentric concept is clearly the work of creatives who only get opportunities to be creative when producing self-promotional advertising.

Here’s an ad insisting pharma consumer advertising is a waste of money. Instead, pharma companies should be coaching people to nag their doctor about the latest miracle drug. Brilliant.

No one at this agency would be mistaken for Einstein—or even Einstein Bros.

No, we don’t think the iliac was written by Homer. But this ad might have been written by Homer Simpson.

This is change we can live without.

We’re that kid. You know, the kid who sells with over-hyped, contrived gimmicks. Why, we’d do anything to get people’s attention—right down to showing fornicating lions.

This classified ad promises “Creative that wins Rx pitches.” Um, are Rx pitches ever won by creative?

The entries for this award show must be painful to view. Also, it’s a safe bet that few contestants will be sporting a fro.

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