Friday, June 24, 2011

8928: Catcalls For Summer’s Eve.

The new “viral video” and accompanying website quietly sponsored by Summer’s Eve constitute one of the most blatant examples in recent history of a client being conned by the worst hucksters in our industry.

For years, Summer’s Eve has aired thoroughly lame spots that demonstrated the advertiser was pretty outdated and out of touch with its audience—and the stuff provided inspiration for endless spoofs too.

In 2010, Summer’s Eve actually produced messaging that essentially told women they could get ahead in the workplace by cleaning their private parts regularly. The negative public response prompted Summer’s Eve brand manager Angela Bryant to write, “I would like to first of all apologize if this ad in anyway has offended anyone. We are taking immediate next steps to remove the ad from circulation. We want you to know that Fleet Laboratories and the Summer’s Eve brand have the utmost respect for women. While we understand how some may come to an alternative conclusion regarding our recent ad, that was never our intention. Thank you.” It seemed as if the folks at Fleet were admitting to being, well, douchebags.

Now comes Carlton the Cat, marveling over vaginas with inane dialogue that can only have been conceived and crafted by a masturbation-addicted frat boy. Quick—somebody ask Angela Bryant how the campaign shows that “Fleet Laboratories and the Summer’s Eve brand have the utmost respect for women.” Sorry, this shit disrespects all of humanity. And house cats too.

The culprits responsible for the campaign remain anonymous for the time being. It’s safe to bet the work was created by a traditional advertising agency that is clueless about digital, a digital agency that is clueless about traditional advertising or a bunch of comedians clueless about digital, traditional advertising and comedy. Regardless, someone took advantage of a clueless client desperately seeking to gain credibility and hipness—yet ultimately buying a steaming pile of excrement that belongs in a litter box.

No amount of douching can remove the stink generated by this mess.

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