Friday, July 15, 2011

9010: MultiCultClassics—Influential & Trustworthy!

Edelman has created the latest scam breakthrough to address social media ineptitude. Bloglevel is “a nifty little measurement tool” designed to gauge the popularity of bloggers and Tweeters. Here are some of the results shat out for MultiCultClassics:

Your influence score — Your score is impressive and your blog is truly influential in your sector. Where focused conversations have become more important your blog has shown itself to be a leader. To improve your score try and address issues quickly so that people come to your site to understand how topical news is interpreted. Your site may not be TechCrunch but you are doing what it takes to be an important source of information in your field. Not only have you become an authoritative source of information, but recognised leading sites are listening and linking to what you say.

Your trust score — Congratulations – your trust score is something to be admired. The Edelman Trust Barometer states that 77% of people refused to buy products or services from a company they distrusted. It is trust that makes someone act — for this reason alone, having a high trust score is considered by many to be more important than any other category. One of the simplest measures of trust is if someone voluntarily listens to what you say or pushes other people to read what you have written. The number of subscribers you have and inbound links from Twitter and other sites make up a large weighting in deciding your trust score. Your posts are interesting, credible and informative and probably spread far around the world. Well done and keep it going.

How flattering. Or flatulence. First, “The Edelman Trust Barometer” is an oxymoron, as the word “trust” should never appear in the same sentence with the name of a PR firm.

Second, the canned results read like the writings of an amateur astrologist working with bag of stale fortune cookies and a Magic 8 Ball. Sorry, this blog knows better than to believe it’s influential in any sector. And again, what’s the value of having a trust score that wins the admiration of a PR firm?

Third, this gizmo is nothing more than a self-promotional piece of shit fabricated to fool idiots into thinking their social media strategies could be enhanced via the sage services of Edelman. Um, save yourself some money by asking your 13-year-old nephew for advice about Twitter and Facebook instead.

Finally, Edelman’s digital expertise is nothing more than, well, PR.

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