Monday, June 04, 2012

10177: Mad Men And Boys.

MultiCultClassics has always wondered about the casting of Glen Bishop, the creepy neighborhood kid with a crush on Sally Draper—whose feelings blossomed once he was spurned after making advances on Betty Draper. Didn’t realize the talent-challenged actor is Marten Holden Weiner, son of AMC series Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner. Looks like the elder Weiner really does his homework on the advertising industry, as the man has embraced the nepotism so prevalent in the field.

1 comment:

  1. Watching this kid deliver his lines is painful. How the cast and crew have remained silent over this transparent hire is worth wondering. Though maybe Wiener just kills off the people who complain.

    People love to find the depth, hidden meaning and subtlety in this show. I think they're reaching between the lines and crediting Wiener with far more intellect than the man actually has.
