Sunday, January 06, 2013

10888: Holiday Cheer—With Blackface.

The New York Daily News reported German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared at a holiday event with children in blackface. A few years ago, Merkel declared her country’s attempts to create a multicultural society had utterly failed. It looks like she’s right.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel poses with children in blackface for Three King’s Day celebration

The kids arrived Berlin’s Chancellery building from all over Germany to sing holiday carols for Three King’s Day, but, embarrassingly, some of the young Magi showed up with traditional darkened faces.

By Michael Walsh / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Photos of German Chancellor Angela Merkel with children in blackface have many viewers scratching their heads.

The children arrived on the steps of the Chancellery in Berlin to sing holiday carols for Three King’s Day. The young carolers arrived from all over Germany on Friday, reported The Associated Press.

But when the pictures hit the Internet shortly after, one aspect of the reception stood out — and it had nothing to do with what the children sang.

Multiple children had painted their faces for the occasion and Merkel simply stood there smiling for the photo op. In at least one photo, Merkel can be seen eyeing a young girl suspiciously.

According to The Telegraph, it is customary for one person in a group of carolers to darken his or her face to represent one of Three Wise Men — also called the Magi — who, Christians believe, visited Jesus after his birth bearing gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh.

The celebration is intended to commemorate what Christians refer to as the Epiphany. But the only epiphany Merkel may have gleaned after the incident is that many people consider those images highly offensive.

So far, it does not appear that the New Year is shaping up well for the German leader. On top of the Three King’s Day troubles, her coalition partners in the Free Democratic Party have been falling behind in the polls, reported The Telegraph.

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