Monday, March 11, 2013

11044: Commonwealth Commentary.

Advertising Age published two articles speculating on the inevitable destruction of Commonwealth. More interesting than the Ad Age commentary are two comments that appeared with the first article (the comments were ultimately removed from the site):

Kelly Polc | Birmingham, Mi | Mar 09, 2013 | 8:06 PM

I was a Jr Account Exec who fell victim to the recent layoffs at CW. I must say, working so closely with all the aforementioned people, it’s odd how TRUTH gets twisted....then again, from what I’ve seen in two short years, there is no TRUTH in advertising. This comment isn’t meant to be malicious or vindictive as I was let go do to cut backs a month ago, but I must speak TRUTH. I had the distinct pleasure of working with all kinds of talented people, including Jeff Goodby, Linus Karlsson, Andreas Dahlqvist, Larry Frey and Ralph Watson. As a Jr Account exec, I saw the real engine to all things functional. It was Goodby’s people for sure. Linus and Andreas seemed to come in one day and pretty much push their weight around, no pun intended, but I remember vividly sitting in a meeting when Larry Frey and Ralph Watson presented all the new work for their campaign, Find New Roads. That was a 100% effort on behalf of the Goodby team. From my young, and maybe not as experienced POV, it was Goodby creative that was driving big ideas, but, due to some politics, per usual in this bizarre business, the McCann folks came in under cover as “Commonwealth” and tried to take over... I think GM would be in for shock at how McCann has no clue. Besides a couple of expensive TV ads, the rest is all Goodby.... Make no mistake, all the creative you see that is out, is Jeff Goodby approved creative, I think the McCann team executed about 20% of it, but 80% of all media from that relationship is ALL GSP. GM would find themselves in a dire place if they gave that whole piece of the business to McCann. This is a fact. I know, because part of my job was to organize who was working on what. And, as I said, 90% of all the new work is Goodby. This would go down as the biggest scam in ad history. And, reading about Mahoney from VW coming in, he would see right through the two cultures, one fresh thinking and relevant, the other, very Mad Men. Yes, McCann loves to spend GM you get the feeling that the McCann folks felt like money was always going to solve everything. McCann has nice people, but comparing the two cultures, it’s a clear Goodby is smaller, smarter, less expensive and way less aggressive and corporate, but, now to knock the Goodby problem, some Goodby leaders seemed to let the bs and bureaucracy just happen, almost like they were paid to give it all away. But, Find New roads and the general creative solutions are all GSP. Be smart with your money GM, it wasn’t that long ago that bad decisions forced the tax payers to make up for irrational decisions. I write this as an unemployed person, who just wants to see GM relevant again.


Kelly Polcyn | Detroit, MI | Mar 10, 2013 | 1:15 PM

This is the real Kelly Polcyn and the above post was not written by myself nor does it represent my opinions and thoughts about Goodby, Commonwealth, McCann or General Motors. Who ever used my likeness to post the above comment, remove immediately. I am also seeking legal advice regarding this post.

Wow. When did Ad Age become AgencySpy? Kelly Polc is clearly a supporter of Goodby Silverstein & Partners—while Kelly Polcyn appears to be a victim of an anonymous troll. Regardless, the comments constitute the most creative writing to be associated with Commonwealth to date.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Please take Kelly Polc off of here. She's not the one that posts it, and now when someone googles her, this comes up, so it works for you to get readers, but she doesn't want to be associated with this mess McCann made.
