Sunday, March 24, 2013

11070: Southwest Launches Bullshit.

This new Southwest Airlines commercial makes you hate the advertising industry—and feel a little embarrassed about being in it. The spot is likely a re-creation of the rip-o-matic TBWA\Chiat\Day cobbled together to pitch the business. It’s bad enough that the agency would present such ass-kissing bullshit; however, it’s even more shocking, pathetic and narcissistic for Southwest to approve its production and airing. It appears that the iconic Southwest brand has been ditched in favor of a stereotypical carrier mantra—right down to depicting model-quality crewmembers.

There are people who find their own path. Chart their own course. Who never stop moving forward, and never, ever back down. Entrepreneurs; journeymen; mavericks; and pioneers who believe the American Dream doesn’t just happen—it’s something you have to work for. We’re for those kinds of people, because we're that kind of airline.

Um, it’s more like there are middle-class folks with limited budgets and business people getting squeezed by accounting departments. Just pass the fucking advertising-covered bag of peanuts, you self-absorbed douchebags.

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