Thursday, June 13, 2013

11206: Diversity Drivel.

At The Big Tent, Eric Mower & Associates Partner and HR Director Michael Slade posted a perspective titled, “We’ll Never Achieve Diversity Hiring Only From One Another.” Is the title supposed to be a warning/reprimand or merely a statement of fact? Slade’s column could have been written in 2003—or even 1963, for that matter—as it contains no new thinking. It’s always disturbing to see HR wonks not only regurgitating the same excuses (e.g., a lack of awareness of opportunities among minorities) and lame solutions (e.g., the 4As’ Multicultural Advertising Internship Program), but also openly admitting the industry engages in exclusive, discriminatory hiring practices. More outrageous is Slade’s admission that he has served on the 4As’ HR Committee for 15 years. Damn, it’s incredible the man hasn’t yet nabbed an ADCOLOR® Award. To underscore the audacity of hopelessness and cluelessness in Slade’s piece, take a peek at the executive leadership running his agency. ‘Nuff said.

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