Saturday, June 29, 2013

11250: They’re Magically Prideful.

From The New York Daily News…

General Mills celebrates LGBT Pride with Lucky Charms-inspired campaign

The company’s #LuckyToBe social media campaign features the magically delicious cereal’s rainbow marshmallow and encourages people to tweet about what they are thankful for and the things that make them special.

By Victoria Taylor / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Lucky Charms is perhaps the perfect cereal to celebrate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Pride since it already includes a rainbow.

General Mills and advertising agency McCann Always On saw their chance and used the colorful marshmallow as the face of their #LuckytoBe campaign, which asks people to use the hashtag to post pictures and tweets about what makes them, well, lucky.

“We’re celebrating Pride month with whimsical delight, magical charms, and two new rainbow marshmallows,” the company said on the campaign website. “If you’re lucky enough to be different, we’re celebrating you.”

The campaign also includes a cute video, which was posted to YouTube on June 18.

General Mills executives recently came out in support of marriage equality in the company’s home state of Minnesota.

A number of companies launched Pride-inspired campaigns both before and after the historic Supreme Court rulings on Prop 8 and DOMA earlier this week. Nike released its latest line of rainbow-colored #BeTrue sneakers in honor of LGBT Pride month. Looking up words including “gay,” “lesbian” and “homosexuality” currently triggers a rainbow around the Google search bar and YouTube spotlighted the LGBT community in its #ProudtoLove campaign.

American Apparel, Red Bull, Marriott and Bud Light are some of the many brands that have also expressed their support for marriage equality and Pride.

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