Saturday, August 24, 2013

11385: The Pitch Reviewed. Sort Of.

AMC series The Pitch aired the second installment of its second season—and it looks like nobody cared. Advertising Age didn’t publish a review. AgencySpy didn’t bother submitting anything either, even though its crack writing staff is allegedly paid per post. MultiCultClassics, however, will continue to review The Pitch without actually watching the show.

Here’s what probably happened. A nondescript client challenged two nondescript agencies to come up with nondescript ideas to sell a nondescript product or service. The least awful agency likely won, although that is never a given on The Pitch. Then again, the same holds true in the real ad world, where accounts are awarded for reasons that go beyond whomever delivers the best solutions.

Here’s what else probably happened. Various participants said or did things that made them look stupid. This is definitely a given on The Pitch, as stupidity is pretty much a prerequisite for entering the competition.

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