Friday, September 06, 2013

11421: Divine Drubbing.

From The New York Daily News…

Ads with abused Hindu goddesses highlight plight of domestic violence in India

The award-winning ad campaign was commissioned by Save the Children India for its Save Our Sisters initiative to draw attention to the prevalence of crimes against women in the predominantly Hindu country.

By Victoria Taylor / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

A powerful ad campaign showing beaten and bruised Hindu goddesses serves as a stark reminder of the violence against women that plagues India.

The shocking images depict Saraswati, Durga and Lakshmi with bloody lips, black eyes and cuts on their beautiful faces.

“Pray that we never see this day,” the ads read. “Today, more than 68% of women in India are victims of domestic violence. Tomorrow, it seems like no woman shall be spared. Not even the ones we pray to.”

India is a predominantly Hindu nation.

The hard-hitting campaign images were created by mixing modern-day photography using live models with traditional hand-painted Indian art. They were commissioned by Save the Children India for its Save Our Sisters initiative, which, works to prevent the sex trafficking of young girls and women.

Taproot India, the ad agency behind the campaign, took home a number of metals at AdFest’s Lotus Awards for their work.

There were 244,270 reported incidents of crimes against women in India in 2012 alone, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. However, many cases of rape and other violent acts go unreported.

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