Sunday, November 24, 2013

11595: JWT INSIDE Out.

AgencySpy reported JWT INSIDE Managing Director Tonya Garrett has left the agency, allegedly transferring to another WPP company. In case you’re unfamiliar with JWT INSIDE, here’s some hype from the clumsy, typo-riddled website:

Hi, we’re JWT INSIDE. Since 1949, we’ve been advancing employee engagement worldwide through employer branding, internal communications, recruitment advertising and technology solutions. From awareness and attraction to engagement and retention, we deliver IDEAS that influence every stage of the employment lifecycle. We’re in the business of helping companies discover what makes them great so they can attract and retain like-minded candidates. And we’re driven to help you bring your employer brand to life. Because people join cultures, not companies.

Um, JWT offering “IDEAS that influence every stage of the employment lifecycle” is like the Ku Klux Klan giving guidance on diversity initiatives. Since when is a traditional advertising agency—where exclusivity and discriminatory hiring practices are status quo—qualified to instruct others on advancing employee engagement? “Because people join cultures, not companies” is particularly obscene coming from a company where the culture is predominately White. JWT Worldwide Chairman and CEO Bob Jeffrey once insisted that AMC series Mad Men “has been a positive recruiting thing for our industry.”

If the ad below exemplifies the skills of JWT INSIDE, employers and prospective clients are encouraged to stay outside.

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