Tuesday, January 21, 2014

11711: Seven U.K. Diversity Similarities.

Digiday published poppycock pointing out the seven major differences between advertising agencies in the U.K. and U.S. Whatever. Here are seven major similarities between ad shops in the U.K. and U.S. in regards to diversity:

7. White women whine about being underrepresented—yet still outnumber racial and ethnic minorities by far.

6. White U.K. adpeople love hip hop too.

5. Advertisements in the U.K. feature predominately White casting—yet White U.K. adpeople think it’s a complete mystery “why ethnic minority groups aren’t wooed by brands like anyone else…”

4. Lists spotlighting the top U.K. advertising executives are devoid of minorities.

3. White U.K. adpeople believe minority youth outreach programs are the solution for diversity.

2. White U.K. advertising leaders offer patronizing pap and hypocrisy on diversity.

1. Minority U.K. adpeople are the only ones speaking out on the issue—and delegating diversity is the norm.

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