Sunday, May 11, 2014

11856: Sterling’s Silver-Tongued.

In a recently uncovered new audio recording, Los Angeles Clippers Owner Donald Sterling tried to explain his infamous racist remarks:

“The girl is Black. I like her. I’m jealous that she’s with other Black guys. I want her. So what the hell, can I in private tell her, you know, ‘I don’t want you to be with anybody’? … I’m trying to have sex with her. I’m trying to play with her. You know, if you (are trying) to have sex with a girl and you’re talking with her privately, you don’t think anybody’s there. You may say anything in the world. What difference does it make?”

Okey-doke. Sterling ought to have his pick-up lines published. Imagine how the smooth phrases might read:

“You’re so fine, don’t bring any Black people to my games.”

“Girl, you’d be perfect if you just remove all the Blacks from your Instagram.”

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