Thursday, September 18, 2014

12074: Color Commentary At AgencySpy.

Uh-oh. The Tiffany R. Warren interview at AgencySpy has already inspired a comment. YL2Austin wrote:

I just took a look at the AdColor site and lineup and man, only in the advertising industry can an event that’s aimed at the black community, featuring almost entirely black speakers and honorees, and no one else, be called diverse.

Is this what diversity in the ad world has been reduced to? No one pointing out the obvious that, hey, maybe AdColor should have diversified and allowed, I dunno, some more diverse points of view to be celebrated at the event?

Or why call this a diversity celebration when it’s an African American focused one? Why not just call it what it is, which is a nonprofit set up to celebrate and promote black achievement? That’s a good thing, but to call it diverse when it’s not is silly.

Expect ADCOLOR® enthusiasts’ rebuttals shortly.

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