Thursday, October 23, 2014

12153: Mo Lévy Says, No Mo To Say.

Advertising Age reported Publicis Groupe Chairman-CEO Maurice Lévy is “fed up” with discussing the botched Publicis Groupe-Omnicom merger—before proceeding to continue yapping about the biggest failure of his career.

“I’m fed up mentioning the merger,” whined Lévy. “I decided not to mention it. There has been far too much attention on the merger. I was personally—and my team—far too much focused on this.”

When pressed why Omnicom Group was doing fine since the non-merger while Publicis Groupe was struggling, Lévy snapped, “It is something that has been extremely important for us. We believed in the merger and we thought it would happen, so we worked very hard for it. I will not comment on Omnicom.” Then Lévy proceeded to comment on Omnicom by arguing, “Clearly they have been less distracted. Probably they didn’t believe very much in the merger. Maybe they were believing much more in a takeover, and that probably has been the real difference. Period.”

Expect follow-up merger commentary from Lévy shortly. He’ll likely want to rebut and/or add to his own remarks.

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