Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12315: Johnsonville Picks White Agency.

Adweek reported Johnsonville Sausage creative duties have been handed to White advertising agency Droga5 following a review. The sausage tug included White ad agencies Fallon, Crispin Porter + Bogusky and incumbent Cramer-Krasselt. As previously mentioned, C-K deserved to lose the business based on its thoroughly unappetizing “Bratsgiving” campaign. On the other hand, Droga5 has yet to produce any decent advertising for a food client. Want proof? Check out the culturally clueless crap created for Athenos products. Brats Appétit!

Droga5 Wins Hotly Contested Sausage Pitch

Add Johnsonville to the brands the agency amassed this year

By Andrew McMains

Droga5, Adweek’s U.S. Agency of the Year, has added sausage to its fire.

Johnsonville sausage has selected the New York shop to handle its creative business after a review, according to sources. Annual media spending is around $30 million.

Sources previously identified the other finalists as Fallon, Crispin Porter + Bogusky and the incumbent, Cramer-Krasselt. Avidan Strategies helped manage the process.

Droga5 could not be reached, and Johnsonville, which is based in Sheboygan Falls, Wisc., had no immediate comment. But sources said the contenders were told of the decision.

C-K’s Milwaukee office had handled the account since 2008.

The search did not include media planning and buying, which remains at Compass Point Media, the media unit of Interpublic Group’s Mithun.

Droga5’s latest win follows a string this year that included Air Wick, Clearasil, Quilted Northern, Dixie, Jockey, Dun & Bradstreet and Mirai, a new fuel-cell vehicle from Toyota. Along the way, the agency’s revenue grew 44 percent to an estimated $78 million.

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