Monday, February 09, 2015

12492: Jaime—Not Jackie—Robinson.

OMG! Adweek reported another White woman landed a creative leadership position at a White advertising agency. The latest glass ceiling shattering happened at Wieden + Kennedy New York, where Jaime Robinson was named as a new Executive Creative Director. Why, it seems like only recently that Robinson was questioning the alleged dearth of dames on Madison Avenue. Oh wait, it was as recent as last October. Ask and you shall receive, White women!

Wieden + Kennedy Fills Its Other Top Creative Opening in New York

Jaime Robinson will partner with David Kolbusz

Wieden + Kennedy has finally found a partner for David Kobusz in New York.

Kobusz, a former creative leader at Bartle Bogle Hegarty in London was hired in April 2014, filling one of two executive creative director holes in New York. Ten months later, the shop has filled the other one with Jaime Robinson, an ecd at Pereira & O’Dell in San Francisco. She’ll join Wieden in March.

At Pereira & O’Dell, Robinson was part of a team that created award-winning work like “The Beauty Inside,” a social film for Intel and Toshiba, and Skype’s “Stay Together.” She also worked on accounts such as Lego and Scrabble.

Before Pereira & O’Dell, Robinson worked in the San Francisco offices of EVB and TBWA\Chiat\Day, creating ads for the likes of Adidas, Levis and RayBan.

Wieden’s New York accounts include Delta, ESPN, Heineken, Brand Jordan, Equinox and Squarespace.


  1. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Here's my view, being surrounded by this all day, every day:

    All questions about diversity in the ad world this year have been totally replaced by questions about gender.

    Diversity isn't discussed at all now, unless we're talking about how women need more opportunities.

    The problem is, it's only white women getting those opportunities.

    Everyone is so busy applauding every new woman added to a creative position/jury/editorial/board room/agency that they never stop and ask why all of them are white.

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    and.... here's another one.

  3. Anonymous3:49 PM

    She has black hair, so as far as advertising is concerned that counts as a minority.

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Meow. Why not applaud our sisters for doing something great and so WELL deserved.
