Wednesday, February 11, 2015

12501: BHM 2015—Spike Lee.

Not sure if it’s a BHM event, but Adweek published a tour of Spike Lee’s office. The story included: “Upon closer inspection, we found a well-appointed space full of personal touches made by Lee himself that provide a backdrop for creating advertising genius.” Um, don’t hold your breath waiting for the advertising genius—there will sooner be an NBA Championship for Lee’s beloved New York Knicks.


  1. Ilike2:28 AM

    I'll take black inspiration where I can get it. This office is pretty cool. I'd sit there.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I worked there several years... No. You don't want to work there... Trust me. In the years there I can count on ONE hand the days he "worked" there
