Sunday, March 08, 2015

12569: Advice For White Women.

Campaign published more tips for White women seeking to succeed in advertising. PHD Chief Strategy and Innovation Officer Frances Ralston-Good presented words of wisdom that were clichéd, contrived and common knowledge. Ralston-Good encouraged women to work outside of their comfort zone—but it’s a safe bet she doesn’t mean actively advocating for the true global issue of diversity versus simply whining about additional opportunities for White women.

Frances Ralston-Good: advice for young women starting their career

By Frances Ralston-Good

Frances Ralston-Good, the chief strategy and innovation officer at PHD, explains that young women should work outside of their comfort zone and make time for themselves.

First and most important is to recognise that you are in a “we” situation not an “I” situation. The quicker you acknowledge this, the more successful you will become.

Obviously what you do matters but what you do is always in relation to others. In each and every moment and in every interaction you are establishing what you are known for, and you are also being changed and moulded by your interaction.

It is in this myriad of small moments that you will decide what is worth keeping and what is worth changing in your habits, your attitude and your approach to a working life.

The second piece of advice I would give would be to print off the following paraphrased quote from the ever wise Jeremy Bullmore, using font size 28 or more, and stick it to your wall: “Decide if you want to be something, or do something.”

Without doubt this is one of the very best pieces of advice I have ever given, because without focusing on doing something, committing and making a tangible contribution, I can safely say you are unlikely to ever be a something.

The third piece of advice is to be brave and walk away from your comfort zone, stepping away from the obvious path even in small ways can stepchange your career.

Simply gaining a new perspective and, very often, new skills will always give you an advantage. We are living through rapidly changing times and the new models in our business mean new opportunities.

The final piece of advice I have is make time for yourself and relationships beyond the workplace. Every career and every life has frequent ups and downs, moments of elation and low times too. You will need your friends, you will need your loved ones, be kind to them and to yourself and good luck.

Ralston-Good is also the co-chair of WACL’s Gather leadership event.

The theme of International Women’s Day 2015 is “Make It Happen”. Throughout this week Campaign is running pieces about how leading women in the industry have “made it”.

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