Tuesday, July 14, 2015

12759: Preferring White Culture.

Adweek reported on a study showing 60 percent of executives and potential clients would rather work with firms that care about culture. Of course, they weren’t referring to racial or ethnic culture—as evidenced by the typical account reviews that end exclusively with the selection of a White advertising agency. Hell, you don’t need to conduct a survey to see that roughly 100 percent of executives and potential clients would rather work with firms that care about White culture.

60% of Execs Would Rather Work With Firms That Care About Culture

Focus on that, not dominance or even innovation, in pitches

By Katie Richards

Culture not only helps draw the best talent to your company, but as a new study from the Fortune Knowledge Group and ad agency Gyro found, it also helps other companies—say, potential clients being pitched by agencies—decide whether or not they want to work with you.

Sixty percent of the 500 executives surveyed said knowing a company’s mission statement, and what it stands for, is one of the most important factors in a business decision. Additionally, 68 percent said they would make short-term financial sacrifices to foster these long-term relationships with a business partner.

“We all know that the strongest companies in the world, they nurture their mission statement and have a strong belief in why they started the business,” Christoph Becker, gyro CEO and CCO, told Adweek.

Becker added that any agency, or company for that matter, that doesn’t have a firm idea of its own mission statement and why the company exists, will have trouble forging relationships with other companies.

“You need to know, what’s your point of difference, and why you do what you do,” Becker said.

Check out other key points from the survey in the infographic below.

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