Sunday, September 20, 2015

12859: Bolloré Bullshit.

Campaign reported Havas Global CEO Yannick Bolloré thinks advertising agencies talk too much about digital and technology. “When I read the statements of my peers—our competitors—they say tech and digital is key,” said Bolloré. “But creativity is our core business. That is what we need to do, especially in an over-fragmented media landscape. A good piece of creativity navigates better in the ocean of content.” Bolloré added, “A pen is a piece of technology. We need the best of technology to enhance the creativity. But we need to be proud to be an advertising company. We should not be ashamed. Creativity is key.” Okay, but Havas is hardly a creative powerhouse—it’s just another mediocre White advertising group. Hell, the place saw fit to buy Victors & Spoils. Bolloré has blubbered about creativity before, and he really needs to stop. After all, the man demonstrates that success in the field is not a result of creativity; rather, it’s about who you know and/or who you are related to.

‘I don’t know and I don’t care’: Havas’ Bolloré on digital revenue split

By Kate Magee

Speaking at Dmexco today, Havas’s global chief executive Yannick Bolloré said agencies talk too much about digital and technology.

Bolloré said he doesn’t know – and doesn’t want to know – what percentage of Havas’s business comes from digital, because breaking down the business like that is “nonsense.”

Bolloré spoke at the Dmexco conference in Cologne, Germany this morning.

When asked what percentage of Havas’ revenues come from digital sources, he replied: “I don’t know and I don’t want to know how much is coming from digital. For me, it’s a nonsense.”

The reason, he said, is because the business should be integrated: “You have to put yourself in the customer’s shoes. These worlds are intertwined. Digital is a tool to make advertising work.”

He said agencies should not lose sight of what they do and he criticised his competitors for talking too much about digital and technology.

“When I read the statements of my peers – our competitors – they say tech and digital is key. But creativity is our core business. That is what we need to do, especially in an over-fragmented media landscape. A good piece of creativity navigates better in the ocean of content,” he said.

He added: “A pen is a piece of technology. We need the best of technology to enhance the creativity. But we need to be proud to be an advertising company. We should not be ashamed. Creativity is key.”

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