Thursday, February 25, 2016

13097: IPAsinine Gesture.

Campaign reported IPA issued a fresh call-to-action for diversity in adland, staging a promotion that coincidentally coincides with the end of Black History Month in the United States of America. Specifically, IPA is joining Twitter, Campaign and Adam & Eve/DDB to request that White media and advertising agencies make a pledge on February 29 to reach four diversity goals in four years. Um, Twitter, Campaign, Adam & Eve/DDB and IPA are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in regards to diversity. Plus, the top goal—promoting more White women to senior roles—isn’t even a legitimate diversity achievement. IPA urged White shops to show their commitment at However, the site is a non-functioning, static page as of this writing, symbolizing the false promises that have stymied progress for decades. And ironically, it resembles the branding of Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition. IPA, please take a leap—off the nearest cliff.

IPA renews push for diversity goals

By Gurjit Degun

The IPA, Twitter and Campaign are backing Adam & Eve/DDB in urging agencies to use the extra day in February to “make the leap” towards achieving their diversity goals by 2020.

Agencies and media owners are being called on to make a pledge on 29 February to achieve four targets over the next four years.

They have been asked to visit to submit their pledge and Tweet that they have signed up to the campaign.

The four IPA targets are: 40 per cent female representation in senior positions by 2020; 15 per cent black, Asian and minority-ethnic representation in senior positions by 2020; to eliminate unconscious bias through training; to raise awareness of flexible or agile working policies.

Tammy Einav, a managing director at Adam & Eve/DDB, said: “This is an important moment for us to truly embrace the diversity of talent and ensure equal and fair employment.”

In January, Campaign published figures on gender and ethnicity balances among IPA member agencies.

Tom Knox, the president of the IPA, said: “By asking agencies to make a pledge and take a step, it should move the issue far higher up their agenda.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    RainbowPUSH needs a logo redesign. It looks like 1980's corporate communications next to this English one.
