Thursday, June 02, 2016

13210: Covering Diverted Diversity.

This week’s cover of Advertising Age features past “Women to Watch” honorees—a group of predominately White women who are now staunch advocates for promoting more White women. Has anyone watched these women to examine their records on promoting actual diversity?

1 comment:

  1. HEOTS9:20 PM

    The 2016 diversity conversation spearheaded by these women skipped right over ethnic diversity and went straight to gender diversity and the ever popular Diversity of Thought.

    We missed the ethnic diversity train, it's going to have to be 2020 or so when the industry gets around to addressing how few people of color are working in our ranks.

    In the meantime, we're just going to continue filling up with foreigners from abroad, who'll be labeled "multicultural diversity success", white women will get the 50% of everything they always wanted, and elderly white former agency workers returning under the diversity banner, too.
