Saturday, July 09, 2016

13251: TBWA\Chiat\Day\Exclusivity.

AgencySpy posted on new White hires at TBWA\Chiat\Day LA, and the associated photograph depicting agency leadership fails to reflect the actual diversity in Los Angeles. The only non-White in the group is a dog. Plus, it appears that the GEICO Caveman has a better chance of landing a job at the shop than minorities.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Let's just cut right to the chase and lay the usual arguments out for the naysayers:

    1) Advertising is a meritocracy! It's not our fault that the best people for the job are white 100% of the time.

    2) It's totally diverse! 3% Conference rocks! TWO WOMEN, Y'ALL!!! DIVERSITY ACHIEVED!

    3) One or two of the hires are probably from overseas, so it's legit multicultural. DIVERSITY ACHIEVED!

    4) It's not our fault that black and brown people aren't interested in advertising.

    5) We couldn't find anyone other than the dog to represent color in a city that is 48% Latino, 10% Asian and 10% Black. White people are just sooooo much more creative and better than the 70% of the population that's of color, you're a racist for even noticing.

    6) Go find a safe space, you're the racist for even pointing out that everyone is always white in upper level ad hires all the time anyway. Waaah.
