Wednesday, August 03, 2016

13282: Roberts Reminder.

Just wanted to point out that it’s not the first time Business Insider has exposed Kevin Roberts’ peculiar perspectives on employment trends and hiring practices. In 2009, Roberts predicted, “The days of fat and surplus will disappear. Entitlement will disappear … working together will be what makes the difference, not personal gain.” At the time of Roberts’ crystal ball conjecturing, his son was serving as the Talent Director for Saatchi & Saatchi Europe and the Middle East. So for anyone wondering whether or not Roberts is a culturally clueless jackass, well, the fucking debate is all over.

1 comment:

  1. Chickens Now Roosting12:07 AM

    The minority ad community, or what's left of us anyway, has been vocal about what's been going on for YEARS. Since at least 2009, as you can see from your own post.

    The Gustavo Martinezes and Kevin Roberts and Jim Palmers and Alexei Orlovs of the ad world are nothing new. We've been sounding this alarm constantly and consistently and been told that it's all in our heads, or we're making a big deal out of nothing, or to shut up and stop complaining.

    What's going on now (firings, leaves of absence, lawsuits) is not news. The signs were always there.

    Had any agency, holding company or brand paid the slightest attention to this webpage, or any of us ethnic minorities speaking out, they'd have seen it coming and could have made changes to avoid it.
