Sunday, April 09, 2017

13633: 75 Years Of Exclusivity.

Adweek saluted the Ad Council for 75 years of churning out PSAs for social change. Yet the philanthropic propaganda has featured a fair share of cultural cluelessness over the decades. Highlights include:

• Casting an Italian American to play an iconic Native American weeping over litter was a garbage move.

• Young & Rubicam, the White advertising agency that hatched “A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste” for the United Negro College Fund, also water-bombed Black protestors in 1966.

• “Love Has No Labels” advocates for love and inclusion, brought to you by R/GA, which can be labeled as a stereotypical White advertising agency that loves to include exotic dancers at company parties.

The Ad Council touts itself as a revolutionary champion for social change, yet its partnership with White advertising agencies perpetuates discriminatory exclusivity and stymies actual progress.

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