Saturday, May 06, 2017

13668: Death Spiral Acceleration.

AgencySpy posted on a memo from SapientRazorfish CEO Alan Wexler explaining the latest C-Suite evictions and structural erections.

Here’s an excerpt:

Effective immediately, we are simplifying the structure of our organization by combining our Practice teams with SapientRazorfish’s Transformation Acceleration Team, which was recently created to identify transformation opportunities and shape digital enterprise capabilities needed to successfully execute against our strategy. This combination will create a tighter connection between our ability to shape the front-end of our business and deliver on the transformational outcomes for our clients at the speed they require by allowing greater access to our offering and digital business transformation experts. Adrian Slobin will lead the Transformation Acceleration Team and Practices that align to it.

Based on this new structure, we have come to a mutual agreement with Shannon Denton and he will be leaving the organization. He has led Razorfish through extraordinary change over the last eighteen years, with his passion for innovation always ensuring his team and organization stayed far in front of the competition. We wish him great success in his next venture.

Well, it’s a safe bet that Denton’s next venture won’t be as fucked-up as the psycho ward he’s leaving. At least he’ll be relieved of all the garbled gobbledygook and looney levels at SapientRazorfish. Let the transformation—and death spiral—acceleration begin!

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