Sunday, December 03, 2017

13918: Pervert Island & Adland.

Advertising Age published a truly bizarre rant by Simon Dumenco and David Hall titled, “Escape From Pervert Island,” featuring an amateurish video discussing the rash of alleged sexual harassment and predatory behavior from prominent figures. Slow news day, boys? The rant includes, “And the truly maddening thing is that, so far there hasn’t actually been any closure to any of these individual cases.” Um, Dumenco and Hall ought to pay attention to their publication’s trade focus, where such cases are routinely dragged out ad infinitum.

Rant of the Week: Escape From Pervert Island

By Simon Dumenco and David Hall

We now live in a media monoculture in which all the news, all the time, is about awful men who can’t seem to keep it in their pants.

It’s gotten to that point that it’s refreshing when there’s news that’s NOT about sexual misconduct. Nuclear Armageddon, anyone?

This is obviously going to be never-ending. And the truly maddening thing is that, so far there hasn’t actually been any closure to any of these individual cases.

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