Thursday, March 08, 2018

14058: AICP BS.

The AICP’s Call for Entries film is offensive on a host of levels, the least of which is the absolute lameness of the concept and execution. Why is it so difficult to do award-caliber work for award shows? The credits for the video are amazing—did it really require that many people to birth this turd? Honestly, Pete Favat, Keith Cartwright and Susan Credle make Tommy Wiseau look like Martin Scorsese. The diversity feels forced too, although the security guard scene is an accurate illustration of our industry’s inclusiveness. Finally, did anyone secure the rights to depict the artists? It would be hilarious to learn that the AICP failed to cover the legal issues. This is not artistic expression; rather, it’s a promotional advertisement from a sponsor seeking to generate profit for its event. Here’s hoping the estates of Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat and Frida Kahlo file lawsuits pronto.

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