Saturday, May 25, 2019

14638: Adweek Delegates Diversity Awards.

Adweek spotlighted 18 executives and creatives “making meaningful contributions toward diversity and inclusivity”—and gave each of them an inaugural Adweek Champions salute. The trade publication teamed up with ADCOLOR® to select the winners, which sorta translates to delegating diversity for trophies. Additionally, the champs look like the usual ADCOLOR® suspects. Finally, Adweek designated the report as premium content requiring a paid subscription for access. Heaven forbid the champs might have best practices and success stories to freely share with adland at large.


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    So basically its the same ADcolor clique awarding themselves trophies for not fixing diversity. And then you have adweek co-signing the foolery. So no one actually besides Karrelle is actually working in the industry, the rest are black "diversity officers"/ ?

    So Adcolor teams up with Adweek just to award themselves diversity trophies? What exactly is an Adweek Champion? These people have been stuck in neutral for decades.

  2. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Most (but not all) of this reads like a list of:

    Who's Most Ineffective

    Whose Agency Just Bought An Advertising Package In The Publication (But It's A TOTAL Coincidence)

    Who Does The Most For PR Purposes But Nothing Meaningful When There Isn't A Press Opportunity

    Who Does Something Flashy Just In Time For The Holding Company's Annual Report But That Doesn't Change Or Address A Single Thing Otherwise
