Wednesday, May 31, 2023

16271: Clichéd Concepts Are Patronizing Too.


What happens when a White advertising agency tackles a brief best suited for a non-White advertising agency? In this case, it started when a former resident minority of the White ad shop hatched the concept. Yet the final production feels contrived at best and patronizing at least—leveraging the clichéd “[Fill-in-the-blank-minorities] are Americans too.” Just as “Black History is American History” reruns repeatedly during February, it looks like “Asian Americans Are Americans Too” is the motto for May.


To White advertising agencies heralding such work as breakthrough, please consider the following:


• Just because you’ve personally never done it doesn’t mean it’s never been done.


• If [Fill-in-the-blank-minorities] are Americans too, why are they so underrepresented in the American advertising industry?


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