Friday, February 24, 2006

Essay 432

MultiCultClassics Monologue in the house…

• A fair housing organization in Chicago is suing for allegedly violating the Fair Housing Act of 1968. The organization claims publishes discriminatory ads. Offending messages included “African-Americans and Arabians tend to clash with me” and “no minorities.” Let’s see what happens when the group checks out the erotic services section.

• The State Board of Education in Illinois slammed a suburban school district for illegally asking two potential students about their immigration status. Elmwood Park School District 401 was stripped of all state funding, which could total $3.5 million. The questioned students — who are from Ecuador and the Czech Republic — witnessed a lesson in American politics.

• An exhibit on Hip Hop culture will be featured at The Smithsonian. The stuff on show will include vinyl records, boom boxes and handwritten lyrics. No word if any firearms will be displayed.

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