Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Essay 443

A MultiCultClassics Monologue coffee break…

• Mickey D’s is introducing a new line of “premium roast” coffee to compete with Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks and others. Maybe they could create a campaign starring Stella Liebeck, who sued the fast food giant after being scalded by its piping hot coffee. Or maybe sign up Pam Grier.

• Aaron McGruder, creator of The Boondocks, is taking a six-month break from producing his daily comic strip. No details regarding what McGruder plans to do. Maybe he’ll go to Africa with Dave Chappelle.

• A task force is proposing to create a memorial honoring the slaves who built the U.S. Capitol. Maybe they should hire undocumented workers to erect the monument.

• A Chicago ordinance is proposing to name a city street in honor of Fred Hampton, the slain leader of the Black Panthers party. Police officials are not pleased, as Hampton encouraged members to “off the pigs.” Maybe the designated street should be an off-ramp.

1 comment:

  1. it's time to relax.
    He been at this for 12 years. 6 months of relaxing is not long. He did not really think he could make a living doing this & living in L.A.. He just have to refresh his mind and enjoy life.

    He just now got a girlfriend. Let relax with her.

