Saturday, April 08, 2006

Essay 520

A McMultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Greenpeace charged Mickey D’s is messing with the Amazon rainforest. The activist group claims the fast food behemoth uses soybeans from the area to feed chickens ultimately used for McProducts. “Fast Food giants like McDonald’s are trashing the Amazon for cheap meat. Every time you buy a Chicken McNugget you could be taking a bite out of the Amazon,” a Greenpeace official said. Look for Mickey D’s to introduce rainforest-flavored dipping sauce soon.

• Over $3.43 million served. The annual salary of Mickey D’s CEO Jim Skinner was reduced to that amount after the fast food behemoth recorded its smallest profit gain in three years. Restaurant employees aren’t expected to receive pay reductions — but only because it would be illegal to cut the minimum wage.

• Burger King CEO Greg Brenneman resigned on Friday. No word if the creepy King character will assume a greater leadership role at the company.

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