Monday, April 10, 2006

Essay 524

Marching on Monday with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The immigration-inspired protests continue, with up to 500,000 marchers in Dallas on Sunday. “For years, we never say nothing,” said one protestor. “We just work hard, follow the rules and pay taxes. And they try to make these laws. It’s time people knew how we felt.” Another marcher proclaimed, “We are all immigrants here, except for the American Indians.” Whatchu talkin’ ‘bout, amigo? Wouldn’t exactly say most Blacks immigrated to the country.

• A study showed 1 in 7 New Yorkers describe their mental health as “not good.” A similar survey listed only 1 in 10 citizens felt the same way nationwide. However, 10 in 10 folks nationwide probably think most New Yorkers are nutcases.

• A survey showed only 15 percent of obese people view themselves as obese. The others probably label themselves “Mo’Nique-like.”

• A man in Malaysia received a phone bill for $218 trillion. The bill threatened prosecution if not paid within 10 days. Bet the guy has a daughter who’s really into voting for American Idol contestants.

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