Monday, August 21, 2006

Essay 955

For better or worse with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Teens in Utah rallied in defense of polygamy. “Because of our beliefs, many of our people have been incarcerated and had their basic human rights stripped of them, namely life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” said one 19-year-old. “I didn’t come here today to ask for your permission to live my beliefs. I shouldn’t have to.” Hey, you’ve got to fight for your right to party with multiple spouses.

• The Boston Globe reported that Black teens have highly negative views on marriage. “I’m not looking forward to marriage,” said one 17-year-old, “and I don’t think we [people in general] should be married because I see how other marriages ended up in my family and on television. It’s always a disaster.” Hey, have these kids considered polygamy?

• The U.S. Census reported that Whites are now the minority Phoenix, Tucson and Denver. A demographer with the Brookings Institution predicts Whites will also fall below the 50 percent line in Charlotte, Las Vegas and Arlington, Texas, within the next two years. Across the board, Hispanic immigration influenced the shifts. “One thing that has changed is the overt demonstration of racism,” said an executive of the Tucson service organization Chicanos por la Causa Inc. “The element itself is very small but can be intimidating.” Or business as usual for The Minuteman Project.

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