Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Essay 995
From Advertising Age’s Letters To The Editor…
Garfield Indian comment insensitive and offensive
RE: Bob Garfield’s “This time, Vegas tourism gets the credit it deserves” (AA, Aug. 21). “Vegas is overbuilt at the moment and facing stiff competition from the Indian tribes our forebears somehow forgot to slaughter.”
Deplorable at any time, but in this day and age, and from an authority on PR and media? If this is acceptable editorial, then close the doors now because: 1) The thinking world has left you behind and you are no longer relevant; 2) you are doing more harm than good by writing; 3) your staff is likely on drugs so powerful that they forgot what their jobs were, the responsibility to society they hold as journalists and how to write with an ounce of creative juice or wordsmithing talent!
Absolutely deplorable! I hope you get sued or something.
Fraser Rennie
York Durham Sign
Sutton West, Ontario, Canada
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