From Targetmarketnews.com…
Rep. Carolyn Kilpatrick to convene panel on ad industry at CBCF Conference
Session previews issues in upcoming NYC hearings
When the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation holds its annual legislative conference [this] week in Washington, D.C., the eyes of the advertising and media industries will be focused on one panel in particular. Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (D-MI) will oversee a session entitled “Truth in Advertising: How You are Affected by the Practices of Ad Agencies and Their Clients.” The panel is scheduled for Thursday, September 7, 1:00- 2:50 p.m. in Room 140A at the Washington Convention Center.
The goal of the issue forum, according to a statement from Rep. Kilpatrick’s office, is to educate consumers about the business practices of advertising agencies and their impact on the African American communities and businesses. “The policies and practices of ad agencies should be of serious concern to all Americans,” said the statement. “As the primary means for keeping news and information outlets viable, equitable advertising practices have a direct bearing on the ability of citizens to be informed.”
The panel comes just weeks before hearings by the New York City Council as part of an investigation into hiring and spending practices by advertising agencies. Larry Seabrook, the New York Councilman who is leading the hearings, and Patricia Gatling, the commissioner for the New York City Commission on Human Rights who conducted the ad agency investigations, are both expected to participate on the panel.
The other participating panelists include Senator John Kerry (D-MA), who recently requested an updated GAO study of ad spending by federal agencies; Adonis Hoffman, Senior Vice President and Counsel of the American Association of Advertising Agencies; Eugene Morris, President and CEO of E. Morris Communications, Chairman of the Board for the Association of Black-Owned Advertising Agencies, and a Board Member of the American Association of Advertising Agencies; Carol H. Williams, President, CEO and Chief Creative Officer of Carol H. Williams Advertising; and Ken Smikle, President of Target Market News.
Congresswoman Kilpatrick’s involvement in minority advertising and media issues includes securing an Executive Presidential Order in 2000 designed to increase contracting opportunities for minority businesses, and initiating the 2000 GAO report on federal advertising expenditures. She expressed hope that participants will leave the CBCF session empowered to take action by personally getting involved in advertising issues. “The pattern of inequitable ad spending of tens of millions of dollars with minority media ultimately jeopardizes the public’s access to vital information.”
it's unfortunate, but timely that politicians must intervene to aid the ad industry in monitoring itself. will the revolution be televised?