Sunday, September 10, 2006

Essay 1049

Bad Boys in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• The producer who owns 71 hours of footage starring O.J. Simpson has offered it to the father of murder victim Ron Goldman in exchange for the right to Fred Goldman’s share of the $33.5 million wrongful-death trial judgment. The elder Goldman is allegedly considering the deal. Sources estimate the footage is worth about $4 million. Or considerably less if placed for sale on eBay.

• Cops who arrested 50 Cent in Manhattan (see Essay 1045) claim the rapper was a model prisoner. “He seemed more embarrassed about being [at the police station house] than anything else,” said one source. “…He cooperated fully and answered all the questions. …There was no attitude at all.” Wait until Fiddy releases the inevitable rap detailing the event.

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