Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Essay 1172

More comments for the AdAge story presented in Essay 1136…

> I hope everyone understands where this Diversity Hearing Issue is going. Major brands will begin to feel pressure from their Board of Directors about making sure that Ad Agencies do a better job in being more inclusive [with] a diverse work environment. When that happens it will be too late for Ad Agencies to get out in front of this issue. Ad Agencies will then begin scrambling to keep their clients happy or risk being dropped as an AOR. Do not be surprised when you see major brands start demanding change within the industry. Major companies will not tolerate being on the wrong side of this issue. — New York, NY

> Go to page 20 of the 10/1 issue of Ad Age, the far right column, the masthead containing the names of 84 people who constitute and run Ad Age. Go see them and categorize them: Black, white, Native American, Asian. See what %s you get and see if they reflect the country, as Bill Clinton once said of his cabinet, let alone reflect the city of New York. — NEW YORK, NY

> Kudos to the agency execs for sticking it to this appalling self-appointed tribunal! — Brooklyn, NY

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