Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Essay 1175
Smoking out stories with a MultiCultClassics Monologue…
• A federal judge denied a request from Big Tobacco that sought to let cigarette makers continue hawking “light” and “low tar” products pending an appeal of their case. In August, a court ruled Big Tobacco broke racketeering laws and lied to the public about the health problems caused by their products, and companies were ordered to stop marketing “light” cigarettes, plus make public statements about the consequences of smoking. The judge rejecting the latest request wrote, “Loss of market share, if it results from imposing an appropriate remedy to prevent and restrain past violations of the law, may well be the price defendants have to pay.” Meanwhile, smokers can continue to pay about $5 per pack.
• The Washington Post resumes its series titled, “Being a Black Man,” with two upcoming segments. Thomas Farrington, president and founder of the Prostate Health Education Network, will be online to discuss prostate cancer and treatment on Friday, October 6, at 11am ET. Robyn Thorpe, an attorney and a panelist for Washington, D.C.-produced TV show The Urban Flow, will discuss dating and relationships on Tuesday, October 10, at 11am ET. Click on the essay title above for more details.
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