Monday, November 27, 2006

Essay 1372

More comments from Michael Richards’ radio interview with the Rev. Jesse Jackson…

“That’s why I’m shattered by it. The way this came through me was like a freight train.”

“After it was over, when I went to look for them, they had gone. … And I’ve tried to meet them, to talk to them, to get to some healing … because, um, of the hate. The hate that came … on all sides.”

“I was brought up in a Black neighborhood till I was 11 years old. My best friends were African Americans.”

“This rage has no color. I know that what I said hurt an African American. … I will take full responsibility for this and promote apology and go for healing.”

“I was in a place of humiliation, and I came out with uh, a tirade to humiliate. … There’s no justification for the things that I said.”

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