Monday, December 04, 2006

Essay 1399

Food, folks and fun in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa plans to name an acting chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department today — and it’s a Black man. Douglas Barry is a 31-year veteran (pictured above). A spokesperson said, “The mayor wanted to find a person for the interim who is a change agent and ready to create momentum and action for the department, who knows it well, who has served it well, and also who has the leadership skills and shared vision for excellence.” One critic countered, “Just appointing an African American is not enough. It has to go much further. … The key is the support and the tools and an aggressive attack on the culture of racism in the department.” For starters, keep a close eye on the chow for all firehouse firedogs.

• The New York City Board of Health plans to approve a ban on trans-fat oils in restaurants this week. Thomas Frieden, the city’s food czar with a great last name to spearhead the efforts, will apparently give eateries ample time to comply. Mickey D’s already insists it will need until July 2008 to accommodate the measure. It will probably take them that long to simply hose the existing oil out of the equipment.

• The American Academy of Pediatrics called on Congress to crack down on advertising targeting kids, charging the messages contribute to everything from obesity to anorexia to alcoholism. Mickey D’s already insists it will need until July 9008 to accommodate any new measure.

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