Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Essay 1504

Ironically, MadScam is an advertising book that could use a better advertising campaign.

Author George Parker and Entrepreneur Press target owners and founders of small- to medium-sized businesses. And technically, the book delivers the intelligence and guidance to help these professionals succeed.

Parker is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of the advertising world, a wizardly warrior imparting wisdom with clarity, focus and integrity — although visitors to his blogs know Parker drinks and cusses a lot more than Kenobi.

Yet there are at least three audiences who would also benefit from reading MadScam. In fact, the other audiences may ultimately show greater need, enthusiasm and profitability.

Hence, MultiCultClassics humbly presents positioning concepts for selling MadScam to the alternative groups.

Target Audience One: Students and Entry-Level Adpeople.

Advertising apprentice, here’s a rare opportunity to develop your knowledge and skills under the tutelage of a legendary expert. It’s like learning the power of the Force from a Jedi Master. The career you pursue demands courage, cunning and discipline. MadScam offers sage advice so you can conquer an ever-evolving media universe. Gain insight, instruction and innovation. Beware of the dark side, where twisted charlatans only teach borrowed interest and Photoshop® to produce armies of creative-free clones. Regardless of your specific industry aspirations, let George Parker mentor you on the craft of advertising. Do or do not — there is no try.

Target Audience Two: Freelancers and Entrepreneurial Adpeople.

The Jedi Code states, “There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.” In the advertising industry, it’s imperative to continually improve yourself through knowledge and training. Always in motion is the future, changing with technological advances. Staying on the cutting edge has never been an option — it’s a mandate. MadScam presents the tools to remain flexible, productive and prepared. Face the chaos with professional poise and confidence. Keep in mind your objectives, customer, message and client. Respect different perspectives and generate extraordinary solutions. Size matters not. Budget matters not. Consider all points of view, then establish your own. George Parker demonstrates there is honor in being an adho.

Target Audience Three: Big Dumb Agency Adpeople.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away — Madison Avenue, to be exact — advertising was a noble profession with smart risk-takers and entrepreneurial spirits. But 20th century mergers built awesome empires of tyranny and oppression, where billable hours outrank big ideas. Now underground freedom fighter George Parker opposes the status quo with MadScam. More than a book, it’s a call to arms — a summons to reignite your creative soul. Parker stresses the fundamentals and classic common sense, applying it all to today’s marketing challenges. Discover how the next wave of successful adpeople — especially your competitors — will thrive in the years ahead. Or better yet, start your own revolution. Rededicate yourself to the principles that made the business special. You can’t afford to continue playing the corporate lemming. Parker protégé Obi-Wan Kenobi once asked, “Who’s the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?”

[MadScam is available at most bookstores and online via Amazon.com]

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