Saturday, February 03, 2007

Essay 1655

Feet in mouths in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• CBS News published a story about senators’ growing fear over becoming the next George Allen. Allen’s political career was hurt after he was caught on tape mocking a rival’s volunteer staffer as a “macaca” — a slur to folks of Indian descent. “You hear it every day,” said a California media consultant. The paranoia “is more than sitting in the back of their minds. It is very much in the forefront.” People have even coined the term “George Allen-ed” to describe being revealed and exposed in such a way. “You can’t ignore the fact that every word you say is being recorded,” said one politician. “It is hard to make jokes, and a large part of my routine, my view of life, carries humor with it.” Not sure what the real problem is. Perhaps these guys could simply refrain from being bigoted morons. Click on the essay title above to read the full sob story.

• Despite Del. Frank D. Hargrove being “George Allen-ed” when he declared Blacks should “get over it” regarding slavery (see Essay 1590), the Virginia House of Delegates approved a measure expressing “profound regret” for the state’s role in the slave trade. “The General Assembly hereby expresses its profound regret for the Commonwealth’s role in sanctioning the immoral institution of human slavery, in the historic wrongs visited upon native peoples, and in all other forms of discrimination and injustice that have been rooted in racial and cultural bias and misunderstanding,” the resolution reads. Wonder if Hargrove will get over his gaffe.

• Maytag’s recall of 2.3 million dishwashers (see Essay 1650) resulted in flooded phone lines. “We have had high call volume and there have been some delays and some of those continue today, but I can tell you that the system is up and running,” said a company spokeswoman. “We expect to have that reconciled shortly.” Is the Maytag repairman qualified to fix phone systems?

• President Bush declared the child obesity problem is costly for the nation and stressful for families. “One way for this nation to cope with the issue of obesity is to get people outside — whether it be through sports or hiking or conservation,” suggested the president. Hey, maybe the fat kids should be shipped off to fight the war in Iraq.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Give the Bush Administration time...they will find a way to use the same tactics of genocide against "fatties" that they have used against other groups. If we blame the people of weight in the U.S. for using too much of our health insurance dollars, then they don't have to deal with the real issues. Since Americans already believe that being slim is an exalted state of being, it won't take much to blame fat people for all types of social ills. The weight loss industry will support all types of studies to "prove" that people of weight are damaging the quality of life for others.
