Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Essay 1677

Paw & Order in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• Two Los Angeles Fire Department captains charge they are victims of reverse discrimination in the infamous dog food case (see Essay 1451), and they’re going to trial with a lawsuit. The incident involved an alleged firehouse prank, where firefighters served spaghetti laced with dog food to a Black team member. The two captains were punished for the event, but insist they were unaware of the dog food in the spaghetti. Now a court will decide if they should not have been sent to the doghouse.

• Wal-Mart is facing a class-action lawsuit that charges up to 1.5 million female employees experienced discrimination in pay and promotions, and the ultimate result could be billions of dollars in damages. Perhaps the mega-retailer should set up special in-store departments to deal with all the lawsuits.

• A new study shows kids who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight. A researcher said, “It’s also quite possible that when (children are) really fatigued, they are less likely to go outside and play or engage in a sport, and they may be more likely to slouch in front of the television.” Or maybe they’re visiting the 24-hour Taco Bell for the Fourth Meal.

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