Monday, April 02, 2007

Essay 1941

One online response to the article presented in Essay 1937…

1) I do agree with the name “Fairlane” being much too “suburban” for a vehicle seeking an “urban” audience. But Flex? How desperate to pander is that marketing department; how bereft of ideas? Something tells me FF “licensed” his name; hence, of course he’s “fine” with its usage… 2) I will submit that Funkmaster Flex as a “showman” for the vehicle is much too transparent for so-called “street cred.” What Ford is forgetting is that Cadillac has a history in the so-called Urban demographic; and thus, an Escalade can be seen as “real.” Ford will always have connotations of truck-driving ‘necks for that same audience; and hence they will find it hard to find “crossover” appeal, commercial DJ endorsement or not. 3) Mr. Perry’s quote on FF sums up the article in a nutshell. A “multicultural” marketing manager, asserting FF is “multicultural,” and hence the soundness of this strategy. Disturbingly humorous… — Kreig Zimmerman, New Britain, CT

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