Thursday, July 05, 2007

Essay 4145

Hot news in a MultiCultClassics Monologue…

• A female firefighter who sued the Los Angeles Fire Department for being harassed because she’s Black and a lesbian was awarded $6.2 million; plus, the jury must now decide on punitive damages against her former bosses, which could significantly increase the amount. “This verdict is awful. … For one case, this is a major hit on the city budget,” said a city councilman. The councilman added that the LAFD was “under new leadership committed to changing the culture. … It’s beyond anyone’s ability to change the past.” OK, but somebody’s going to pay for the past.

• Michael Jackson has been hunting for a home in Maryland. “He’s always admired the properties on the East Coast because they have a lot of land,” said one source. “Neverland has 3,000 acres—he likes privacy. You can’t find as many properties like that on the West Coast.” Jacko probably wants room and privacy for the kids.

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